Non-GFSI Recognized Standards
- HACCP (SANS10330)
- ISO 22000
GFSI Recognized Standards
- BRC Global Standard for Food Safety
- BRC Global Standard for Packaging and Packaging Materials
- BRC Global Standard for Storage and Distribution
- IFS Food Standard
- FSSC 22000 (ISO/TS 22002-1: Manufacturing)
- FSSC 22000 (ISO/TS 22002-2: Catering)
- FSSC 22000 (ISO/TS 22002-4: Food Packaging Manufacturing)
- FSSC 22000 (NTA 8059: Storage and Distribution)
Legal Requirements
- Meat safety Act, 2000 (Act 40 of 2000). Implementation of Hygiene Management Systems (HMS) as required by R1072: 2004 - Red Meat Regulations at abattoirs
Implementation Process
The implementation process consists of the following:
- HACCP Academy conducts a GAP assessment of current facilities to determine the extent of compliance with the requirements of the relevant Standard
- All required procedures, records, etc. is developed by HACCP Academy
- Guidelines are provided in conjunction with each procedure to train staff and assist with accomplishing critical tasks to ensure the implementation is set up for success
- On-site workshops are conducted, attended by the Food Safety Team to ensure complete understanding of the procedures, records, checklist, etc.
- A progress plan is used to provide:
- a list of all required documents conforming to the relevant Standard
- a detailed breakdown of specific tasks that must be performed, by whom and by when
- updated progress as a management tool specifying progress and if there are questions or concerns
- Verify that the system is fully implemented, procedures are being followed, and records are maintained by conducting an internal audit with the selected team members
- Assistance during the certification audit.